I’m Carla Meeske
SpiritHealer School of Shamanism Leader,
Shamanic Explorer, and Night Sky Photographer.
I have retired from doing private healing sessions. I will of course work with legacy clients, but I am not taking new customers. I am continuing to lead our shamanic community at SpiritHealerCircle.com. Come see what we are all about!
You can find great healers in our circle at SpiritHealerCircle.com.
Shamanic healing is powerful medicine
Shamanic healing is the wind in the sails bringing you and your animals into wholeness. Carla has deep relationships with wise Spirit Animals and Spirit Guides. They know what you need, and they can remove energetic blockages and empower you to overcome physical and emotional challenges. Carla reconnects you to your own compassionate Ancestor Guides, Power Animals (Totems or Spirit Animals) who will continue helping and guiding you on your life path.
Shamanism is the oldest form of energy healing. Since the beginning of humans, Shamans have partnered with wise loving Spirits, bringing healing and knowledge through the veil to the community. Carla works from her Celtic Shamanism roots, and 30 years of Shamanic healing experience with her personal Spirit Animals, ancestors and Guides. Many of us are working with every tool we have.
Shamanic healing and ceremony draw powerful healing energy from Universal sources, and our Spirit Guides use that healing energy to help each cat, dog, horse, exotic or HUMAN with exactly what they most need. Shamanic healing supports all other modalities – Reiki, acupuncture, essential oils, etc – and is the perfect compliment to Western medicine and therapies. When we ask the Compassionate Spirits to help us, they help on all levels.
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Icelandic Therapy Horses enrich your experience
Fidla, 28, understands your heart, and she shares hers with you. She loves attention, and she gives you hers. She can help you find the deep things that you really want to let go, and help you release them. Fidla is a Yoda. She is steady and strong.
Jark, 30, is a master of wisdom, and he teaches through mirroring. He is completely responsive to your energy. He helps you settle, and then rewards your calm state with solid partnership.
While I am not accepting new shamanic clients, the horses still want to connect with you! Contact me to come visit and feel their love at my North Scottsdale AZ farm.

Why Carla?
Carla’s experience is deep
Carla has been offering professional Shamanic healing since the 1990s, and has been teaching Shamanism and Shamanic Animal Communication since 2003. Her sessions are rich and profound, mixing Celtic Shamanism with techniques she has birthed through years of connection to her trusted Spirit Guides.
Carla recognized her gifts in high school, reading Tarot and IChing. She studied philosophy and religion in college, seeking the Truth. A soul retrieval with Sandra Ingerman in 1987 rocked her world. She began courses with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and upon graduation in 2000 she launched SpiritHealer.com – Shamanic Healing for Animals and their People. Today her SpiritHealer School of Shamanism has introduced hundreds of people to Shamanic journeying and healing. Her qualified graduates are offering Shamanic healing sessions around the world.
Carla is also sure that cats are superior beings. And Icelandic horses are heros.
FAQ – visit our FAQ page for more
The term Shaman is a word from a Tungusic language (eastern Russia), and applied globally to native spiritual people.
Shamanic practitioners cross between the worlds of everyday reality to the spiritual non-ordinary reality, to bring healing and teaching from compassionate Spirits, for themselves, for others and for their community.
Shamanism is ancient and universal. All of us are decedents of people who lived in shamanic indigenous cultures. The shamanic world view recognizes Spirit in all things, and sees all things in nature as alive, connected and “equal”.
In shamanism, all people have direct access to Spirit for guidance and healing. No intermediary person (priest, guru, etc) is required.
Our Spirit Guides are compassionate, loving beings. They know us and they want to help us be our best, healthy, happy and whole.
You are remembering this work. If you believe in past lives (which is not necessary to do this work) you may see that you are simply remembering this work from your shamanic practice in past lifetimes. If you do not believe in past lives, then realize that you are remembering the wisdom of your collective unconscious, (or whatever
model works for you to explain continuity in the universe).
The Shamanic Journey is our method. We use drums to carry us across the veil, no drugs or plant medicine. This is you and your Spirit Allies, remembering who you are, on your sacred path.
Whether the healing session is for a cat, dog, human or horse (etc), the healing session has the same basic flow. Our first step is to set the intention for the shamanic journey. We discuss what you want help with, and what you want to see improved, for your animals and/or for you. Your intention is our roadmap through the spirit word, through non-ordinary reality.
We then begin our shamanic journey. Carla enters her sacred space in the spirit world, and calls in the Spirits, from the four directions, above and below. A Spirit guide helps escort the client into the sacred space, and Grandmother Sunflower, Carla’s lead spirit guide, welcomes them, Spirit to Spirit. She has heard the intention already, but I may repeat it for clarity and focus.
In animal healing sessions we begin with animal communication, getting permission to help, and learning how the animal feels, what they want and so on. With people, that is already established in our pre-journey conversation.
Our healing session then proceeds through four core steps: Diagnosis, Extraction and Transmutation, Power Infusion and Guidance. Carla speaks everything out loud in a poetic way, making it easy for you to follow along and enter the shamanic journey with her. While the journey will follow the four step framework, the variations and possibilities are infinite! The Spirits will go where they need to, to help you with the intention you set.
We conclude with your questions, direct to Grandmother Sunflower and the other Spirit Guides who have performed your healing. Carla stays in the shamanic journey trance for these questions. When we are finished, we thank the Spirits and return all of us to our physical bones.
We then debrief, and Carla emails you a link to the recording with a computer generated transcription.
How can you find your Spirit Animals, Teachers and Guides? Two ways!
Carla will introduce you to them in a shamanic healing session. This makes it easier for you to connect with them in your meditative practice. She can also show you our way entering the Spirit World and taking a Shamanic Journey, or she will send you the link to Sacred Roots.
You can take your own shamanic journey and meet them yourself! SpiritHealer School of Shamanism offers a free class that makes this easy. It’s called Sacred Roots, and it is the first shamanic journey we teach. Our personal Sacred Tree is our entry into every journey, ceremony and shamanic practice. Sacred Roots is the gateway of our shamanic path – it is simple and powerful. Try it! Its free!

You will love your Shamanic Healing Session. I promise!