Shamanic Healing Sessions for Animals and People with Carla Meeske
I am not accepting new clients except for shamanic horse therapy at my farm. Please see https://www.spirithealercircle.com/spirithealer-directory/ to find a healer who can help you. All these people have extensive training with me, and I trust their work. Thank you.
Shamanic healing is the wind in the sails bringing you and your animals into wholeness.
Offering Horse Shaman Sessions Only
I offer on the ground sessions with the horses, nothing mounted. You can groom, hug, whisper sweet nothings in their ears, and share your deepest secrets. Ask them to take your suffering and release it. They are powerful shamanic healers. They know what to do.
Text me to make an appointment to come see the ponies! 623-776-6922.
The fee is $60. And a carrot. Okay several carrots. Sessions are 30 minutes.
Loving Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals help us overcome the challenges in our lives. A shamanic session can offer immediate help to those suffering pain from abuse, trauma or injury. A shamanic session with Carla can restore your sense of power, giving you renewed strength in your daily life. Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual components of illness making other forms of treatment more effective (and sometimes performing miracle healings). Shamanic work speeds physical and emotional recovery, making your days brighter fast.
Many of us are working with every tool we have. Shamanic healing supports other modalities, including western medicine. When we ask the compassionate Spirit Guides to help us, they help on all levels. Carla offers sessions for people and for animals. She uses the Shamanic Journey for Animal Communication, and can help you with all your questions, and help heal the problems your dear dogs, cats, horses and other animals present.
Who needs a shamanic session?
Animals who have pain, trauma or stress can create all sorts of issues, from acting out to physical illness. Shamanism gives our beloved pets a voice, and brings powerful compassionate healing from wise Spirit Guides who know what is wrong, why, and what to do.
In a shamanic session we work with your animal Spirit to Spirit, doing the 4 core steps of a shamanic healing and many more techniques, depending on what is needed. The sessions can be quite complex, but the results are often pure beauty!
People come for personal shamanic sessions for many diverse reasons: Physical pain and illness. Emotional trauma. Relationship issues. Old stories that need to be resolved. Energy clearing. Spiritual guidance. Psychic protection. Life path questions. And more, the list is long!
Through Carla’s shamanic journey, you are dimensionally connected with Carla’s helping Spirits, and the 4 core steps of a shamanic healing begin. Each person’s session is unique according to their questions and intention. Everyone gets energy clearing and empowerment, while other specific things are determined by the helping Spirits. You may receive Soul Retrieval, crystal and plant healings, resolution of interpersonal binds, ancestral and past life understanding. There are unlimited possibilities, but what you receive is what the Spirit Guides say is best for you at that time.
Carla also reconnects you to your own compassionate Spirit Guides and Power Animals who will continue helping you long after the session has finished.

Carla is Full Service shamanic practitioner who uses all the techniques of Core Shamanism, plus many other advanced techniques she been taught directly by her Spirit Guides and Ancestors. For the most part, Carla follows practices and approaches of her ancestors, the Celts. In a Shamanic Session with Carla you will experience 4 key steps:
Diagnosis: where you share your concerns and the Spirits assess the energetic aspects of the problems, and formulate a plan to address them in the session.
Extraction and Transmutation: The Spirits find and remove the energetic aspects of the trouble [blocks, intrusions, physical issues, stuck memories, entanglements with others or the past, etc] and they carefully and powerfully transmute it, so that it is resolved.
Power Infusion: Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Reiki, Healing Energy infusion from crystals, plants, celestial beings, etc, are some forms of Power Infusion. Carla’s sessions are interdimensional empowerment ceremonies, with the Power Sources coming in that are exactly right for each client, and never the same twice.
Ongoing Connection to Wise Spirits: Your success is not left up to you. Carla connects you to your loving Ancestors, Spirit Guides and/or Spirit Animals who will walk with you, hand in hand to guide your healing on your life path.
We begin every session with a conversation, and as you share your concerns (for you and/or your animal), Grandmother Sunflower is listening! It is important that we have a clear intention, and she will work through me to ask you questions that will bring key things to the forefront. I am often amazed at what she evokes.
Our session formally begins by calling in the Compassionate Spirits, and centering your soul into a Sacred Circle with Grandmother Sunflower. She makes you comfortable, and then she shares with me her plan for helping you. This often involves bringing in Compassionate Spirit Guides who are connected to you, and new to me. They work with Carla’s Guides to untangle you from your issues, to clear your energy with extraction, disentanglement, cord cutting and the like. Then they restore your power with Soul Retrieval and Power Infusion. Soul Retrieval is just a normal part of a Shamanic Healing with Carla.
Carla has deep pockets! She has been doing shamanic healing for over 30 years, and has a full roster of helping Spirits who are specialists. Whatever issue or concerns you have, the Spirits have ways to help you.
Carla may perform a shamanic ceremony to call in Big Power to reconnect you with your divine spark, your truth and beauty. She may do ancestral healing to disconnect you from old entrenched stories and wounds. The dimensions are vast, and the actual activities in your session will be tailored perfectly for you by the Spirit Guides.
You will ask questions and get revelations from your teachers. You will be connected in an ongoing way to a personal Spirit Guide or Spirit Animal. And of course you will receive a recording of the session.
Beginning with your specific request, I bring the animal into sacred space with my teacher Grandmother Sunflower, and we call in many more powerful loving Spirits to help. She helps your animal settle, and using animal communication and Grandmother’s grace, we learn how the animal feels and what they want. Grandmother Sunflower does a deeper energetic diagnosis, to see where the issues are physically, emotionally, and in the animal’s connected community, or web.
Spirits heal the issues they find by extracting and transmuting problems, and by infusing the animal with healing power. When we are finished I ask of you have questions and then we return the animal to their living form.
We finish by making sure all your questions are answered while I am still in the Shamanic Trance.
Finally, I send you a recording of the session with a computer transcript.
Carla is an experienced Shamanic Healer and guide with over 25 years experience. Her clients are all over the world, and some have been working with her for over 20 years. Carla trained with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and Micheal Harner in the 1990s, graduating from the 3 Year Advanced training in 2000, and has developed her Celtic Shamanism roots since. Grandmother Sunflower, Carla’s lead Spirit Guide, has helped her recover many healing techniques and ceremonies that are now the basis of her healing sessions.
Carla’s work is rich, deep and unique. She describes the journey in poetic detail, bringing the client along with her and infusing the healing power through multidimensional energetic weavings. A session with Carla is evocative and transforming and brings beauty into the dark recesses of our souls, tissues and lives.
Carla is the founder of SpiritHealer School of Shamanism, and is the lead teacher and ceremonial guide. Hundreds of spiritual seekers have discovered their personal connection to their Spirit Guides in Carla’s courses, and many have gone on to become professional full time Shamanic Animal Communicators and Healers. See Carla’s Full Biography
Sessions for people – for you
Shamanism can offer immediate help to those suffering pain from abuse, trauma or injury. It can restore your sense of power, giving you renewed strength in your daily life. It addresses the spiritual and energetic components of illness making other forms of treatment more effective (and sometimes performing miracle healings). I can retrieve your own helping Spirit Guides who can give you wisdom and a sense of comfort and well being. Shamanic work speeds physical and emotional recovery, making your days brighter fast.
The healing stands as powerful medicine the instant we do it. Your experience of it may deepen over time, or it may be a sudden revelation. We ask for miracles. We don’t always get them, but we do everything we can to accomplish the mission. That being said, the Spirits may give advice for your personal recovery and development. I am careful to avoid letting my ideas inappropriately slip through.
Vast library of healing techniques
I perform FULL SERVICE shamanic healing, including extraction and transmutation of spiritual and energetic aspects/causes of suffering. Soul retrieval, personal empowerment, healing for illness and injury, life path exploration, healing deep old wounds, communicating with your ancestors and loved ones – the Spirits can bring help and guidance for so many things!
When you contact me, tell me what the problems are that you would like to overcome. Maybe it is a sense of emptiness, a physical pain, and emotional hurt, loss of childhood memory, or grief. If you want a particular treatment, such as soul retrieval, request it.
- We will first discuss what you wish to have shift in your life – physical, emotional and spiritual. You may have specific requests, such as for soul retrieval or physical healing, and I will focus on those things.
- The Spirits do a wide range of healing work for you, including diagnostics of the spiritual aspects of your situation, illness extraction and power retrieval work. The spirits know what is best for you and help you accordingly.
- If you and your animal share an issue, we will work with both of you in the sacred healing circle. Our homes are like ecosystems, everyone shares in the energy and we sometimes have mirrored conditions as a result.
- After the journey we will debrief and answer all your questions.
- You will receive a recording with a (computer) transcript of the session
Full session appointments usually last 60 minutes. The vast majority of my sessions are done over Zoom or phone and are recorded. I request that you participate in the healing by being present, and quietly opening your heart to healing power when I journey. We begin the session with a conversation, then I narrate the journey for you as it unfolds and you listen. Toward the end of the session you will ask any questions you have, to the Spirits, to me, and to your animal (if they are present in the spirit circle). When we are finished we debrief and I explain anything that was unclear. Finally, I send you a recording of the session. Many people get additional insights and healing as they re-listen.
Shamanic Sessions for Animals
Beginning with your specific request, I bring the animal into sacred space with my teacher Grandmother Sunflower, and we call in many more powerful loving Spirits to help.
She helps your animal settle, and together we learn how the animal feels and what they want. Grandmother Sunflower does a deeper energetic diagnosis, to see where the issues are physically, emotionally, and in the animal’s connected community, or web.
The wise Spirits heal the issues they find by extracting and transmuting problems, and by infusing the animal with healing power.
Shamanic Healing is a vast potential of techniques, and your session will be unique and perfect for your animal. Your session may include finding the story behind an issue or behavior, Direct physical energetic healing, Soul retrieval, Power Animal connection, Energy infusions from loving Spirits and much more.
I will ask the animal and my Spirit Guides for advice on how you can help the animal.
If your animal has died, I will make sure it is happily settled in the spirit world and will communicate any messages he or she has for you, and you for them. Plus we will retrieve a gift of Healing Energy from the animal, for you.
When I am working with animals I ask for their perspective, and I ask for the Spirit’s wisdom. I may enter into the animal’s body and identify blockages, or “intrusions” that the Spirits then remove. The Spirits impart compassionate healing power and they may advise if there is any treatment that would be good for you to pursue.
“I must share with you that since the day of Barley’s reading, he has been transposed into a dog of serenity, at peace, not so overly sensitive to noises and his environment”
Often the animal needs additional healing techniques, such as a soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, or trauma healing. Soul retrievals and power animal retrievals are wonderful for animals. Often inexplicable behavior gets better after a soul retrieval. Sometimes the changes are dramatic, sometimes small. I describe the parts or spirits I bring back so, that you can reinforce the healing by reminding your animal of them in ordinary reality, and asking how your animal friend feels having the parts back. You may not believe your animal understands, but he or she will!
Order your shamanic session today.
Choose a full session or a focused, and let me know where and when you would like the session.
The app shows only some of my availability – so feel free to ask me directly for a session. Or order now, and we will find a good time together.
Can’t find a good time here? No Worries! Just order now and we will schedule later.
“You are really powerful! Whatever I have done with you has always yielded results, these little brief sessions are indeed strong. Something certainly shifted physically and emotionally. I am standing up straight. My eyes are open, the light is not hurting my eyes. Now I am acutely conscious of my breath. Thank you so much! ”— Anna